Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Fall to All

Thank you God for Fall
a very colorful time of year.

Mrs. Frances Greene

Mrs. Frances Greene

Frances Greene and Faye Wells
We are so glad that Mrs. Greene can make it to class
almost every Sunday with the help of her daughter Susan.
Thank God for Family and Friends who make our
class time possible. Amen

Mrs. Della Edwards

Mrs. Della Edwards
a treasure to our class.

Mrs. Della Edwards and Mrs. Frances Greene.
It is so good to have Mrs. Edwards back in our class for
2 weeks in a row. We missed you when you were not
feeling well and are glad to have you back with us.
Thank God for continued good health and pray that
you will feel stronger and stronger every day. Amen

It is great to look out at the classmates
and see dear friends looking back.
Thank you God for friends.

Mary Puckett

Sweet Friend, Mary Puckett

Sarah Jay, Mary Puckett and Della Edwards
Sweet Friends all.

Sarah Jay

God bless you.

Sarah Jay, Mary Puckett and Della Edwards
God bless you ladies.

Faye Wells and Doris Peele

Doris Peele

Doris Peele

Our President and Class Secretary

Jackie Matthew is the Secretary of our class and Frances Croom is the President and in the rear is Mrs. Lilly Belle Johnson.

Class Officers in our new classroom.
The desk where they are seated is an historic piece of furniture
from years ago in the old sanctuary.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

In our new classroom

Faye Wells, Frances Croom, Lilly Belle Johnson

Doris Peele

Record-keeper Faye Wells (Mrs. Matthew's assistant)
and President Frances Croom at work.

Lilly Belle Johnson

Sarah Jay and Frances Greene